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FDA to Examine Safety of Materials Used in Medical Devices

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is holding a public advisory committee meeting next month with experts and the public to examine the safety of materials used in medical devices, the agency announced this week.

medical devices

Source: Getty Images

By Fred Donovan

- The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is holding a public advisory committee meeting next month with experts and the public to examine the safety of materials used in medical devices, the agency announced this week.

Materials used in today’s medical devices, such as metal, plastic, silicone, animal-derived products, or some combination of these, reflect technology evolution in the field of healthcare. The FDA said it is working to evaluate these materials to ensure patients have access to safe and effective medical devices.

The agency is currently evaluating evidence that some patients who receive medical device implants are having adverse biological responses to certain types of materials in those devices, such as inflammatory reactions and tissue changes that cause pain and fatigue.