Security News

Working From Home Exposes New Billing Data Security Threats

Companies whose employees are not properly set up for secure remote billing during the COVID-19 pandemic may face data security risks, according to IAITAM.

COVID-19 Pandemic

Source: Thinkstock

By Samantha McGrail

- Organizations are facing significant data security risks as stay-at-home orders increase and the first major remote billing cycle is carried out remotely, according to the Association of IT Asset Managers (IAITAM). 

Thousands of US companies are leaning on employees who are unfamiliar with carrying out their jobs at home and using untracked equipment on insecure Wi-Fi connections. These companies are putting their own data at risk as well as their employee’s personal data. 

IAITAM issued a warning to organizations and government agencies last week urging them to consider “nightmare data risks” before moving to remote working