Security News

Increasing Healthcare Cloud Security with Bring-Your-Own-Key

Bring-your-own-key can help increase healthcare cloud security by giving IT staff control over encryption keys so they don't have to rely on cloud service providers for security.

healthcare cloud security

Source: Thinkstock

By Elizabeth O'Dowd

- Organizations are constantly looking for ways to gain more control over healthcare cloud security. Putting PHI into the hands of cloud service providers (CSPs) involves a high level of trust.

CSPs understand the need for heightened security and control over healthcare cloud environments so adding bring-you-own-key (BYOK) capabilities into the healthcare space can give IT administrators the opportunity to gain control and customization options over data security.

BYOK, also known as bring-your-own-encryption, allows organizations to use their own encryption software to protect their data in the cloud. CSPs typically provide encryption to their customers, but with more data being stored in and retrieved from the cloud, organizations may be looking for a unique way to encrypt their data. If there is a large hack on a major CSP their data will be protected, and they can take individual action to protect the healthcare data.