Networking News

Healthcare APIs Put Patients in Control of Their Data

Recent healthcare API development is working toward putting patients in control of their own health information.

healthcare API

Source: Thinkstock

By Elizabeth O'Dowd

- The introduction of blockchain into health IT infrastructure has sparked the concept of giving patients more control of their own data. Organizations need to consider healthcare application programming interfaces (APIs) to begin thinking about deploying this method of data sharing. Healthcare APIs are the key to successful interoperability.

An API is an interface that allows unrelated software programs to communicate with one another. They act as bridges between two applications, allowing data to flow, regardless of how each application was originally designed.  

The ONC’s recent interoperability efforts are focusing on using APIs so patients can be in control of their health information and effectively coordinate their own care. Most Americans have smartphones, which is the tool they need to be in control of their information.