Networking News

FCC Collaboration Increases Broadband Access in Rural Areas

Broadband access in rural areas is critical to ensure that all patients can benefit from digital tools that require network access.

rural broadband access

Source: Thinkstock

By Elizabeth O'Dowd

- The FCC Connect2Health Task Force (C2HFCC) announced its collaboration with the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on how to increase broadband access and adoption in rural areas. The two organizations signed a memorandum of understanding that will focus on the networking needs of cancer patients in remote areas.

The agreement was spurred by the higher cancer death rate in rural areas compared to cancer deaths in urban areas.

“Initial analysis of broadband data and cancer data shows that these rural ‘cancer hotspots’ also face major gaps in broadband access and adoption, often putting promising connected care solutions far out of reach,” the FCC explained in its official release.